Monday, September 30, 2019

The National Origins Act of 1924

The National Origins Act of 1924 was a law that restricted the number of immigrants allowed to enter the U.S. by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants. The Immigrants that was restricted were from southern and eastern Europe and which then virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s. The National Origins Act established a system of immigration, which required immigrants to have a visa issued by an American consular officer abroad before immigrating to the United States. It completely changed the patterns of immigration throughout the twentieth century. This measure sharply reduced immigration to America, and especially targeted those from southern and eastern Europe. Which it did not affect America per say, really affected people from Europe who wanted to migrate to the United States. The 1965 Immigration Act is the foundation of America's current legal immigration system. It abolished the Immigration Act of 1924 that had been in place in the United States since 1924. Overriding past quota systems that heavily favored Europeans. It was the act declared that no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person's race, sex, nationality, place of birth or place of their residence. The Act based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States. They are coming from a range of countries and cultures and are transforming cities, suburbs, and rural areas and are affecting schools, religions, politics, and health care. A higher proportion now already have professional skills and college degrees. Part 2: Labor Immigrants Labor Immigrants are immigrants that come to the United States undocumented, not all of them are undocumented but many come to America undocumented. Many of them are EWI's, visa abusers, and some come over as temporary workers. Some who are undocumented, they may have regularized status. Labor Immigrants often come to America from poorer countries. Immigrants come through family reunification or as refugees. They are drawn by the lure of higher wages in the United States from their country. Often in other foreign countries, they're pay scales do not compare as the United States pay scale. That's why often foreigners come  over to America to work in order to provide for their families due to better pay. Labor Immigrants occupation consists of agriculture, construction, garment and   omestic. Compared to both the native and overall foreign-born worker population, Mexican and Central American workers are less likely to be employed in professional and related industries. They are more likely to be employed in the construction and non-durable goods manufacturing industries. Often times, labor immigrants live in small apartments complex's or in small homes which a Lot of immigrants will live together and help to pay rent. Typically, Immigrants will live in cities or nearby than versus living out in rural areas. Many do receive some aid in housing by the federal government because they are given visa's to work in America. The biggest problem many show is speaking English, because they haven't learned English. So a few speak enough English to get by or often I seen many of times, is that they have a friend that speaks English pretty decent and then tells them what to do in their language in order to complete task. Part 2 continued: Professional Immigrants Professional Immigrants are highly trained individuals who move to fill an economic niche in a middle-class profession often marked by shortages in the receiving country. The United States Immigration policy encourages this type of immigration. Therefore, most in this category come illegally in the United States. Many immigrants find too few professional  opportunities in their home countries so that's why they come to America to work. Most of the professional immigrants have college degrees or either some-sort of degree in a trade to obtain knowledge or in order to work for companies. They are very hard workers in this field.  Often enter at the bottom of their fields in the United States which refers to brain drain. You see many professional immigrants working in construction such as working on building new omes. Many of these immigrants go to school to learn that type of trade or even companies will hire them and train them as they progress. I will hear when some companies will even pay for their schooling in order to move them up in ranks. Often professional immigrants live in small apartments complex's or in small homes which a Lot of immigrants will live together and help to pay rent. They will also live with their  families in a house while the husband goes to work and the wife stays home and takes care of their children if they have any. Typically, Immigrants will live in cities or nearby than versus living out in rural areas. Yet again, the biggest problem many show is speaking English, because they haven't learned English. So a few speak enough English to get by or often I seen many of times, is that they have a friend that speaks English pretty decent and then tells them what to do in their language in order to complete task. Part 3: I chose the documentary film, In â€Å"Dollars and Dreams: West Africans in New York†, the immigrants all start in the same place but they all ended up going in many different directions. From dishwashers, to house builders, to construction workers, and to entrepreneurs making millions. The location of New York fulfilled the expectations of some immigrants because of many different jobs, but some did not feel that way. The America dream is hard to achieve and a lot of hard work to achieve what you want in life which several of these immigrants did. I definitely agree in hard work because I think you can achieve greatness through hard work. In the podcast â€Å"This America Life: Immigration† the narrator discusses how Mexican immigrants revolutionized/evolved the chicken industry in the south in the United States. More importantly in a small town in Albertville located in Alabama. Soon after, Mexican immigrants started to funnel in and take positions in the factory from other workers who had worked there for years. Therefore, it would cause conflict amongst workers inside the work place. One of the black workers said for the first time he had felt unified working with the white workers to fight against this issue. The other workers felt that Mexicans were taking their positions because they were harder workers and fearing being fired unlike the white people. This particular podcast did very well in showing both sides of the argument. This helped me to understand not only the views on what I heard about Mexicans taking America jobs, but also showed how the Mexicans revolutionized this industry to benefit themselves and as well as their families. I Totally agree with Mexicans/ foreigners being hard workers because my dad is real estate appraiser and I will go with him while he does his work. I would just sit in the truck sometimes and watch them work and they do work very hard and very long days versus a white worker. Lastly, I chose â€Å"Maeve in America: children of Immigrants, Listen to your Parents† explores case by case of examples how immigrants children share several similarities in how they were raised as a child by their parents. The children experienced parents who lacked to share culture and thus redistricted their children from developing. For example, an Indian parent did want their child to participate in going over friend's house in spending a night over a friend's house. Hearing these stories about how the immigrant parents helped me connect what I learned in class to what actually happens in today's society and what actually really goes on. It just made me sit back and think that I'm really grateful for what I have in my life and what I have learned so far.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lay’s Product & Promotion Policy

Lay’s, known as Walkers in the UK and Ireland, is the brand name for a number of crisps varieties as well as the name of the company that founded the chip brand in 1932. Over 90% of the population is familiar with the brand-name and with more than 50% of the market shares, we can definitely call them the market leader. It’s for this company that we will briefly clarify the product- and promotion policy. Product: Lay’s The brand name For the brand’s name Lay’s uses a combination of group-brand and a individual brand. It’s a group-brand because PepsiCo doesn’t use its own name to sell the products, but they use the brand Lay’s to distribute them. Further more, Lay’s makes use of individual brands for the different flavours like there are: Lay’s Light, Lay’s Oven and Lay’s Sticks. Even though all the products belong to Lay’s, they sell them according to their different characteristics by a different name. By making use of market segmentation, Lay’s creates the possibility to expand its assortment and itself. In this way each product will receive its own identity. Assortment strategies Line stretching Lay’s often expands their assortment by adding new flavours and new sub-groups. For example: Lay’s developed Lay’s Light and Lay’s Oven. With these groups they tried to penetrate a new group of consumers who worry about the percentage of fat that crisps contain. Lay’s Light contains 33% less fat and in the sub-group Lay’s Oven, the crisps contain 70% less fat. Line filling Lay’s completes their assortment of existing products by adding new varieties to the different groups. Since 2011, for example, they have a product variant called â€Å"Black Pepper & Sea Salt†. In this way they obtain a more complete assortment and can they satisfy more consumers. Promotion: Lay’s Promotional campaign Lay’s as a market leader doesn’t have strong competition because they have a strong promotional campaign. The company also makes different price actions for the introduction of new products. Subsequently the price is lowered to capture the market. The consumer pays less for the same product and receives a sort of reduction. This is one of the sales promotions techniques Lay’s uses. The sales are stimulated at short term by temporal improvement of the price-value ratio. Sometimes Lay’s offers sampling and free crisps. Lay’s also organises cash-refund actions where you get your money back by sending back the barcode of your package of Crisps. The main advantages are the low cost, the consumers information is saved in database and the involvement of the retailer is not necessary . This may lead to a horizontal effect or market expansion. At first place, Lay’s wants the customer to meet and try its product. When the customer is satisfied and buys the product again, we call it a repeat. Sometimes Lay’s also has a special offer where you get a 3rd bag for free. They realise this by offering special promos to customers. This also is a kind of sales promotions where they offer a bigger quantity of goods for the same price. This results in an advantage in goods. Within these promotions, we can speak of a vertical effect or market effect. One will try to create more market share by creating a higher brand loyalty, user intensity and revenues. Moreover the consumers will be blocked to other brands of crisps. Possible risks are that the consumer will store their products and it won’t lead to extra consumption. Lay’s also organises saving campaigns. They have a savings campaign called Lay’s Chip Trips. The point of this campaign is that consumers find a code on the bag of Lay’s. They can go to the site of the company and enter this code. People can save points online this way, and when they have saved enough, they can exchange there points in all kind of prices like free entrance to a theme park and free stay at a hotel. Lay’s will try to stimulate the revenues on the shorter term and bind the consumers to the brand this way. The company also organises contests. In many countries like the Netherlands, Lay’s has started a competition where people can make new flavours and present them to Lay’s. flavours are chosen by Lay’s and the consumer has to decide by voting which flavour is the best. Every consumer that votes, has the chance to win a Mini. This campaign was a great success. The finale flavours were sold 6 million times. In the Netherlands, ‘Patatje Joppie’ was the eventual winner and has appeared in the shops last February. These promotions can lead to higher revenues because one creates more users. These users can be people who buy the product for the first time or people who buy the products of the competitor.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment 3-1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3-1 - Assignment Example There are also individuals who do not prefer the use of Iphone. Some phone features are advantageous for some but not all. For example, the vertical keyboard, for those wanting to type emails, is a downside of the gadget but for some just touching it with one finger is very beneficial. Pop culture and science, which brings fast-changing developments, gets its devotees, fans and admirers because of the individual preferences. Their way of advertising and selling their product can be considered an important factor in reaching different people and the movement of the preference of the masses takes study and research. Pop culture takes advantage of people’s social movement of preferences. A gadget, like the Iphone, makes waves not only for its new and updated features that other cellphones might not have presented before but also because of the interest of the public in something new. And with this, the Iphone becomes a mainstream gadget, finding its way through the hands of many

Friday, September 27, 2019


PHILOSOPHY AND TRADITIONS IN MANAGAMENT RESEARCH - Assignment Example In this current essay, the researcher has tried to critically appraise the theories with the view of â€Å"Free Will†. It is a philosophical concept that refers to the capability of the economic agent to select a particular option among various alternatives (Free Will, 2014). Most of the philosopher has supported that, the notion of â€Å"free will† is strongly related with the ethical sense of the economic agents and the firm. The term free will refers to the power of the rational agent to select best alternative one from the sort of several options. Various constraints that included in the subject matter of free will concept, includes physical constraints, metaphysical constraint, social constraint and mental constraint. The principle of free will provides implication in various segments, such as ethical, religious, legal and scientific (Williamson, 1998). For example, in science, free will suggests different ways to predict human behaviour. Further, in religious realm; it implies choice of individual action that can increase moral obligation or certain injection to a man and so on. Most of the philosopher suggested that â€Å"free will is strongly linked with ethical obligation and responsibilities of the agents† (, 2014). In respect to the values of love and friendship, freewill also plays a significant role in building the root of relationships. In economic terms, a firm basically exists and state its decisions in order to make the utmost use of its resources. Firms interact with the market to determine demand and price and then allocate its resources to maximize its profits (Moyle, 1998). Consumers always try to maximize their overall utility whereas business organizer tries to maximize net profit. Thus, theories of firm always adopted and analysed in respect to the changing market and economics. The firm’s theory comprise of several economic theories

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fashion Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Fashion Media - Essay Example The targeted audience for the magazines consists of people having interest in fashion. The main aim of fashion magazines is to sell clothes and display clothing in an artistic way for public interest. Individuals having deep love and high interest for fashion write fashion blogs. The aim of the writers is to share a unique fashion sense with the rest of the population. Blogs appear on the internet and their number is rapidly increasing. Posts on fashion blogs include pictures and daily updates of the latest fashion finds (Miller, M. 2012, 315). The intended audience of blogs includes people who love and enjoy exploring new trends. The writings on the blogs give ordinary individuals a chance to express their opinions and place their mark on the world of fashion. Although the discipline of fashion writing does not have set rules, there are many traits and commonalities found in it. In writing fashion articles, a specific format has to be followed. For instance, the articles are written in first person narration since it is an opinion piece. Writers in fashion industry are supposed to use sophisticated and an informed voice of authority, while considering the expectations of the audience. They should also use short and clear sentences that are easy to read. The writers have a necessity of producing an appealing mental image by use of descriptive language. For instance, instead of describing something as simply â€Å"yellow†, the writer should use a word like â€Å"lemon† or â€Å"sunny† for creating a vivid image. Fashion writing makes use of distinguished lexicon from other writing forms, for instance, the unconventional use of the syntax is typified as modern and... This essay approves that today, fashion writings are found when flipping through art and fashion magazines. However, the art press locates fashion writings within the wider social and cultural dialogues, reflecting upon the cultural, social, economical and psychological implications of dress. The theory of fields, developed by Bourdieu’s, offers an insightful starting point that helps in the understanding of media field paradigm. The theory argues that the society is divided into semiautonomous fields that are structured around the opposition between the economic and political capital and cultural capital. Fields are distinguished both in regards to their degree of autonomy from dominant political forces and specific capital that is valued therein. However, it is complex to locate journalism within the field theory. Fashion writings have a unique power of investigating other fields, including music and politics. The power impacts on the profession’s autonomy through the criticality of the writings it produces. This report makes a conclusion that fashion writing is a wonderful form of expression and can lead to many prospective careers. This type of writing allows individuals in the industry to convey their uniqueness in an artistic manner. Although the purpose of fashion writing is promoting and selling designer clothing and trends, writers have an advantage of working in an advantageous and valuable career. Fashion writers have an opportunity of achieving an excellent lifestyle and becoming a major influence in the industry while pursuing the career. Fashion is undergoing a deep technological and social change. The changes include from fashion magazines to fashion blogs and fashion plates to fashion films.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Air Transat Internal and External Analysis (Aviation Industry) Research Paper

Air Transat Internal and External Analysis (Aviation Industry) - Research Paper Example The airline industry has a number of dominant economic features that determine the success of a company. These include:Service life cycle: the airline industry has reached the maturity stage of service lifecycle meaning no growth or decline. The industry consists of many small and large airline companies with the service being provided to local, regional, and global levels according to the size of the company. The number of buyers: buyers consist of groups, individuals and families in the airline industry with bulk buyers having more bargaining power compared to individuals. Buyers who have loyalty cards access the most bargaining power owing to discounts. Differentiation: differentiating on price, service, and quality ensures companies success in the market. Since there are many buyers in the market, low price, quality, and customer reviews are the main focus in the airline industry. Suppliers: two main suppliers, Airbus and Boeing supply the whole airline industry with aircrafts co nsisting of thousands of aircraft companies. Technological advancement aids in product improvement and development. Experience: having experience in the airline industry is the main advantage for success resulting in the inability of instant success for new entrants. Experience allows for airline companies to develop economies of scale allowing for cheaper cost and pricing strategies. Experience also allows companies to have a better understanding of costs and profitability strategies.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Competition in Energy Drinks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Competition in Energy Drinks - Case Study Example More consumers have developed preference for drinks other than carbonated drinks. The demand for alternative beverages in the US in 2009 contributed to the global demand considerably, with close to half of the demand for beverages coming from the US. Sales in the US made up 42.3% of the $40.2 billion in sales in 2009. The alternative beverage section changed the status-quo in the beverage industry, since it was, at the beginning, a unique product that offered better nutritional quality. The alternative beverage section of the beverage industry has unique economic characteristics too. To begin with, the growth of the segment depends on the purchasing power of the consumer. As more consumers become more economically empowered and their desire to have healthier lifestyles increases, they tend to switch from the carbonated drinks to the alternative beverages. Secondly, the alternative beverage section appeals to all age groups in the society (Christou & Vettas, 2003). Carbonated drinks are more associated with adults than school-going children because of the chemical components. Analysts in the industry project a decline in the sales figures for carbonated soft drinks and an increase in sales of sports drinks, ready-to-drink tea, energy drinks, bottled water, fruit juices, and vitamin-enhanced beverages among other types of alternative beverages, setting the ground for competition among companies producing alternative beverages. Competition in the beverage industry is considerably intense, with the established companies such as PepsiCo and Coca-Cola facing stiff competition from other companies such as Redbull (Gerber, 2010). Other companies other than PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Redbull, with a 55% market share, dominate the larger share of the global market. In the United States, PepsiCo had the larger share at 47.8%, while the other companies had 31.5% of the total market share. Both

Monday, September 23, 2019

John smith 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

John smith 2 - Essay Example However, after suffering from burns from gun powder he returned to England to receive treatment, never to return to the ‘new world’ again. He died at the age of 51 years ( The site portrays topics on colonization, war for independence, business for profit motive through the Virginia company as well as diseases. There is a picture of Smith to the right of the page and above it at the top right corner there is an artifact looking like a broken medallion. The medallion has a picture which looks like that of Smith. On the other hand, there are extra links which offer more information about Jamestown, history, resources, publications, findings, and exhibits. The interactive features of this site include a platform for support, contact information of the site creators and a video link at the bottom of the page. The site has interesting graphics that are user friendly. The information is very enlighting and it offers an insight on the history that many people are not aware of. However, I fail to understand how Smith was a survivor in every extreme situation he was in. The most interesting things are how Smith survived and how he was a lucky man to having beautiful women and more so how adventurous and a leader he was. However, there is bias in the information that Smith was a boastful man while no literature can clearly account how he was. Conclusively, the site is educative, interesting and I would recommend for others to explore

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay Example for Free

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay The colonial and Revolutionary eras in America are not so chronologically distant, yet they are two very different times for America. These two eras are very important parts of America’s history. The transformation of colonial America to Revolutionary America is quick but drastic. To be a colonial American would mean solely relying on God. An American at that time would center their whole life around God. They believed they did not personally own anything. For example, in Anne Bradstreet’s poem â€Å"Upon a Burning House†, Anne implied that it was wrong to feel sorry for the loss of your house or family, because the Puritan belief was that everything is owned by God. Anne considered herself lucky because she was left with the most important thing of all; her life (Chin 78). Anne Bradstreet most captured my attention with her writing style and her pure love of God. Puritans believed that â€Å"if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf† (Chin 103). It was easy for the British to keep people of the Puritan lifestyle under its crown because of their religious beliefs (Kiracofe) The Revolutionary era is when the colonists began to become more opinionated. The start of the Revolutionary era was when the British began taxing sugar. The sugar act lead to a boycott of buying all British imports. The Boycott put the British in great debt and was eventually repealed. At that point, the colonists discovered that they do have a say in their government. The people of America began relying on logistics and facts instead of their faith. This lead to the Revolutionary war, also called the War of Independence (Higginbotham). More and more people began speaking their mind, such as Phillis Wheatley, an African American who writes a Revolutionary piece of art, praising George Washington for fighting and leading in the Revolutionary war. The colonists began to become more and more individualized from the British. The whispers of rebellion turned into shouts after the Stamp Act. The farmers and merchants of America quickly transformed from strongly religious and peaceful men, into soldiers of the Revolutionary war. Colonial and Revolutionary Americans are two very different groups of people. The colonists were Puritans which means they were highly religiously dependent. Although the Revolutionary Americans did believe that there was a God and that he was on their side, they took their own initiative and fought for their freedom from Britain’s crown. If it were not for Revolutionary thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and the men who fought for this country, America would still be under the British laws and taxation. We would not have the rights and freedoms we have today. The Revolutionary war has made America for what it is today.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

George Bush Essay Example for Free

George Bush Essay Leadership is a quality that Americans always look for in a president. United States Presidents have an extreme amount of responsibility. Americans look for someone that can help our country grow. We look for someone who has charisma, strength and intelligence. George W. Bush had a very interesting presidency. It was filled with joy, turmoil and disaster, all which were times where a leader could either succeed or fail. George W. Bush was the 43rd President of the United States. He had all of the qualification of a great president. He came from a political family. He was the son of former President George H.W. Bush. He had a great educational and military background. He graduated from Yale University and then Harvard Business School. He was a pilot for the Air National Guard for six years. He worked in the oil industry after college where he was known for his smart business decisions. He served in Texas’ House of Representatives and then Governor of Texas. Most American’s would probably believe that all of these qualifications would make him a great candidate for President and in 2000 he was elected President, defeating Al Gore by only small margin. (Bush 3) Choosing George W. Bush I chose to research and analyze President Bush because he was president during the biggest attack on American’s during my lifetime. He had to step up and become the great leader that our nation needed during and after the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001. President Bush is still being blamed for some of the problems that America is having now. President Obama blames him for the economy and many American’s have blamed him for our continued presence in the Middle East. I wanted to research his leadership abilities and understand why he went from being a so-so President to a great president to a president that is being blamed for everything. I also see President Bush as a normal person with strengths and weaknesses. I see him as someone similar to myself. I want to better understand him and learn from his achievements and his mistakes. President Bush was not a born leader. Even though President Bush had the resume that American’s thought would make him a great leader, at the beginning of his presidency, he was lacking some of the key qualities of a  good leader. He did not show confidence in his decisions and he lacked the understanding of international affairs. (Domin 3) After the tragedy of September 11th, he really stepped up and took on his leadership role. He was able to show America that he was the leader that they thought that they would be getting in an American President. President Bush was able to bring his followers together in a time of tragedy, uniting them for a common goal. He was able to leave all of the criticism that he had gotten behind him and become a new leader that everyone respected. In addition, I wanted to research President Bush because many of the international problems that America faced during President Bush’s terms are still lingering today. American lives are still at risk because of terrorist groups. It was only a couple of months ago that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorist killing the US Ambassador and three others. I question the effectiveness of our current administration and their ability to keep America safe. (Kirkpatrick, and Myers) Abilities and Skills Even though President Bush was not a great leader from the beginning, I believe that he was able to step up and become the great leader that we needed him to be. He embraced the necessary abilities and skills that America needed in a leader after a crisis. The first and most important characteristic that he possessed after September 11th was emotional intelligence. He understood the severity of the situation and was able to address the public in a way that helped us come together as a country. Woodward made this comment about how President Bush addressed the public in front of Ground Zero. â€Å"Bush’s spontaneity allowed him to connect at a visceral level with his audience: acting simultaneously as their leader and expressing their feelings in the highly charged atmosphere of the time.† (Roper 5) I believe that President Bush also encompasses the four characteristics that describe a creative leader. President Bush faced one of the biggest obstacles of any President and he had the self-confidence to lead. (Nahavandi 115) Thousands of innocent Americans had been killed through a terrorist attack. He knew that America was entering a time of war. Even though many of his advisors were unsure of the decisions to attack Afghanistan, he was strong about his beliefs and he gave reassurance to his advisors. A reporter who was present during the National Security Council meeting before the initial attacks in Afghanistan noticed the tension in the room before President Bush was present but said that, â€Å"the tension suddenly drained from the room.† (Roper 5)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflective Assessment of Education Research

Reflective Assessment of Education Research I am visual by my learning style. And I captured some wonderful memory in my development immersion exposer programme with the help of entire faculty of DMI, Patna and whose shown faith on me and whole team member of AKRSP(I), Khandwa. Faculties of DMI given me a spectacle to look through it into the village and AKRSP(I) given me filter for that spectacle to extract precise information which may relevant for our study. I enjoyed working with AKRSP(I) and our stay in the village, which was an incredible experience of my life and created a solid base for my future learning. In this experiential learning, we learn that field learning is very different from classroom learning. First, think I learned is that how to handle the question comes from the villager, because your answer can create hope in their mind and in the field you cant make any statement which you cant fulfil and create any type of hope. I learned that how to simplify our question to extract information from the villager because they think simple and they are for away from bookish knowledge. Second, think I learned that how to properly utilise the water for your daily activities. Because we only get 60 litres of water for all our daily activity and I learned how to manage. Third, think learned that how to harvest the useful data and arrange in the proper format for proper utilisation. Because you have to make all calculation, if you asked any calculation related question then you will get garbage, because they will through anything in their answer, so you have to be very precise in your question. If you want to find expenditure of the household for a year, then you have to ask their daily expenditure then weekly expenditure and any occasional expenditure then you have to calculate and project that outcomes to yearly level. The fourth thing I learned about the small cultural and ritual event, that how they attached with their emotion which prevents them from permanent migration. We have attended a fair in Golkheda. That was a huge fair around the temple of Moti Mata. After interacting with them we found that people from all around 30 km of the radius with their own mean of transport like motorcycle, bullock, and tractor. The fifth thing I learned that how to engage the villager in your activity and talk to make a repo for extracting valuable information, I also learned to break gathering politely for moving on to other important work or topic. And I also learned how to express gratitude to them from we learned something or who helped me in learning something before leaving from that place. And last but not the least I understand the real obstacle and roadblocks for the development, whatre the things really obstructing the development of the people, and here we see that poverty doesnt mean that lack of money, peoples are poor from knowledge, education, behaviour, unity, etc. Executive summary This report is based on the one-month full-time residential study of the village Ghamanpura, Ghagharla, Dalmahu during our 6-week first module of the experiential learning segment, that called Development Immersion. In this report, we tried to highlight the socio-economic comparison between these three villages, which are non-intervened, economically backwards containing a majority of tribal community Korku, which was known as a tribal hunter-gathering community and permanent resident in the lap of the forest under Satpura mountain range. These tribal people are very laborious, but due to lack of proper intervention, they are not able to make rhythm with the outer world. In these villages, which comes under Aw Agro-climatic zone, we found that lands are rocky, but fertile for cash crops like cotton, banana, sugarcane. But these cash crops required lots of Agri-input varying from seeds to drip irrigation, which required lots of money. So, in the scarcity, they are waiting for priming to start a new journey. In this region, the primary source of livelihood is agriculture, but they are forced to shift secondary source wage labour in the scarcity of proper resources of money and irrigation. These tribal have potential, but in the scarcity of resources their potential is utilised by few rich farmers and they have deprived of their right entitlement. These tribal is the owner of the land as wealthy, but they are poor, not fully in the sense of money but also in education, knowledge and technics. These are simple and honest people and happy in their life. But they need attention to pull them and join them with the mainstream of development. The government had intervened in these villages with the help of Anganwadi and Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan, to fight with the darkness of illiteracy and malnutritions, but its not adequate and they required to stand up on their feet and required support for making their livelihood sustainable. They want to develop and earn pride, thats why they oneself are illiterate, but sending their children to school and allow them to educate as much they want., but rapidly increasing inflation forced their child to leave the school and start earning for their livelihood. In this region women are still extremely backwards in their social status and locked in their houses after earning a livelihood for their family too, women have no role in any type of decision-making regarding their family, society, or village. This report also contains the SWOT analysis of these villages and a proposal for revamping this tribal community in a socio-economical way. A 3-E exercise in Annexure gives us they the way through which we can intervene in these villages.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sophocles - Antigone Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Power of Choice Choices affect all of our lives. We are always faced with choices. What we do with those choices will determine how are lives will turn out, what destiny lies before us and even what will become of us. The choices we make are in our complete control. Whether we make choices during the heat of the moment or with an open mind there are going to be consequences that follow whether good or bad are can only be blamed on us. Sophocles's Antigone portrays human emotions and consequences that follow two distinct choices. We can broaden the spectrum by saying that Creon represents public policy and Antigone represents individual conscience. According to E.S. Shuckburgh we must examine which is more important 'state law or divine conscience';. (Shuckburgh xviii) Antigone is a story about two people who choose to make choices that each are passionate about and the consequences that follow. I can argue that the choice made by Antigone was noble and honorable because she was standing up for what she believed in. Antigone was trying to do what she felt was the right. She was standing up for her family. I think that many people would feel the same way in her situation. Antigone wanted to offer her brother the burial that she felt he deserved. Although it did not seem as though she agreed with what her brother had done she did believe in family loyalty.When Antigone approached Ismene with her proposal, Ismene said no. She justified her decision by telling Antigone that they were already punished and that there was no need to make matters worse for the two of them by defying Creon's law. Oh my sister, think- think how our own father died, hated,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mimi 2 his reputation in ruins, driven on by the crimes he brought to light himself to gouge out his eyes with his own hands- then mother…his mother and wife, both in one, mutilating her life in the twisted noose- and last, our two brothers dead in a single day, both shedding there won blood, poor suffering boys, battling out their common destiny hand-to-hand. ( Sophocles 60-69) Isemene tries to say ... ...always be a part of our life, what we so with those choices will determine our future as they did in the case of Creon and Antigone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mimi 5 Works Cited David Bender, Bruno Leone, Scott Barbour, Bonnie Szumski, Don Nardo, eds. Readings of Sophocles. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Sir Richard C. Jebb, E. S. Shuckburgh, abs. Introduction. Antigone. By Shuckburgh. New York: Press Syndicate of the U of Cambridge, 1987 Sophocles. 'Antigone.'; The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York: W.W. Norton & Compay, Inc., 1995. 632-667

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Reasons For American Economic Prosperity In The 1920s :: essays research papers

Why was there economic prosperity in American in the 1920’s? I know that America on it’s surface was prosperous during the 1920’s. I know this because of the physical signs, and the evidence I have found supporting this concept. Some of the physical signs of the then prosperity are evident today, like the skyscrapers and Empire State building. There were the inventions of manufactured fabrics and materials such as Bakelite, artificial silk and Cellophane. Airlines carried almost half a million passengers a year, which compared to Europe at the same time, was a massive number of people. In this essay I will analyse all the reasons behind the economic prosperity in 1920. World War 1 assisted America’s latter prosperity. Throughout the war American industry benefited, because countries that couldn’t buy goods from Europe, did so from America. And along with this Europe bought products from America, products that they weren’t producing while they were fighting. Furthermore, during the First World War, American banks lent money to their European Allies. In the 1920’s, this was being paid back with interest. The war had also led to advances in technology, such as mechanism and manufactured materials. Production of Iron Ore, coal, petrol and wheat and exportation of chemicals, wheat, iron and steal all had increased considerably by the end of the war. By the end of the war, America had decided to isolate itself from the problems of Europe, and set itself about making the most profit in business. This isolationism built up the confidence of the American people. An increase in personal wealth, demand and output production all helped America’s prosperity. Banks were eager to lend money to businesses and individual’s. With this easy money, and the introduction of hire-purchase schemes, the demand for products increased. Consumer spending was incredibly high, which is reflected in the statistic that in 1920 there were 312 department stores, and by 1929 there were 1395. There was a consumer boom. Business profits rose by 80% during this period, which in turn raised share dividends by 65%. Also some women had continued working as they had done through the war. Both of these elements contributed to giving people again, more money to spend. However, the availability of money was not the only reason for increased consumer spending. New inventions such as vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and washing machines became available, and advertising over the popular radio encouraged consumers to spend more on everyday products.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Curleys Wife in Chapter 4 of Of Mice and Men

1. What does Curley’s wife mean when she says, ‘They left all the weak ones here’? 2. State the three things that you think are most significant about Curley’s wife’s character, situation or behaviour in this chapter. 3. Find and copy down the quotations which show how Crooks reacts to the threats of Curley’s wife. What exactly is she threatening, and why does Crooks react in the way he does? 4. What is Candy referring to when he says that Curley’s wife ‘can move quiet’? 5. (Links to question 2) How does Curley’s wife come across to you in this extract? Compare how she has been portrayed before to how she is now. 6. How do you think Lennie feels about Curley’s wife now? Extension: There are some descriptions in this extract which suggest disturbance. These create a mood for the final events in the novel. Find these, and comment on them. Answers: 1. When Curleys wife says they left all the weak ones here I think she is referring to the reality that because of their circumstances; candy, crooks & Lennie were not capable of visiting the whore house like the other men. Curelys wife is suggesting that they are weaker because of their incapacity to take part in some of the activities other men can. 2. In this chapter I think that Curleys wife comes across as unkind cruel and nasty. She gives off the impressions that she likes feeling higher than others and she seems as though she can be quite dishonest with a inclination to lie. 3. â€Å"Crooks stared hopelessy at her and then sat down on his bunkk and drew into himself† i wrote in my opinion candy says curleys wife can ,move quite because he is making reference to and notifying the fact that curley;s wife is quite sly in what she does as she causes problems and looks for trouble without being seen or heard from others especially curley

Monday, September 16, 2019

Super bakery

Bakery is a virtual company, in this company many things go on, but it only deals with the core functions of the industry when the other portions of the company are contracted out. Since the bakery Is a leader when It comes to the Institutional baked goods market, the business may have ongoing concerns maintaining the quality of its goods and services. The Super Bakery management department agree to put into play the BBC plan (activity based costing plan).Super Bakery has an extra challenge when putting this operation system to work by doing this plan. The reason for this Is due to the bulk of the functions being contracted out, but the plan is meant to help the company keep control over the contracted out functions. The strategy used by Super Bakery was to Identify an undeserved market and compete in that market. They decided to choose the school system within the institutional food market. The difficulties with this market are government requirements and funding shortfalls.Super Ba kery developed a high nutrient baked good that replaced the high fat donuts because it meets the USDA recommendations or the food that was to be served to the children. This market was also restricted by high costs associated with freshly produced baked goods. Super Bakery went against the market norm and began refrigerating their product. Through the use of vacuum sealing they are able to distribute the product nationally without having to have bakeries in every city, so they made their market anywhere in the US without adding costs.Since Super Bakery was catering to the school systems, this gave them additional access to cheaper and fresher ingredients. This was due to the different overspent supported commodities which helped their distributors reduce costs by Implementing just In time delivery. Probably one of the most remarkable strategies used by Super Bakery was the outsourcing of the major operations of the bakery business. Super Bakery oversees the production and delivery o f their products, but contract out the major functions such as manufacturing, selling and distribution of their product.In this sense, they are a virtual corporation that oversees the process but doesn't get bakers flour under their fingernails. The managers of Super Bakery sought out a new method for assigning costs because their old traditional system did not accurately reflect the differences In real cost structure. Super Bakery's management thought it was necessary to install an BBC system, as an effective way to more efficiently manage the company activities. While attempting to add great value, the business managers desire to make the least investment in fixed assets, staff, and working capital.Managers inside Super Bakery believe installing an activity-based system was required because the company understood that the company benefited by outsourcing some activities, but also realized the need to control and coordinate these services. The company's ability to control the cost of the outsourced businesses was a big challenge that leads to manager's decision to implement activity-based cost system. The management's reasoning works because an activity-based cost system will enable Super Bakery to create a specific breakdown of the costs of customer's orders.Also, the BBC system prevents the distortion that may happen with traditional overhead cost allocation. Management suspects a wide fluctuation in the cost of serving customers throughout the country. A new improved pricing system was required due to orders with low profits margins being subsidized by orders with high profit margins. The key requirement of the new system would enable the company to more accurately assign costs to each customer's order. The BBC system is beneficial to the company because it can accurately identify to managers which areas are more profitable and assist in strategic product planning.The internal users will be able to aka better overall financial decisions that will have a po sitive effect throughout the company. Managers know that the Super Bakery business would certainly benefit from the installation of the BBC system. This reasoning works because in an activity-based costs system costs are tracked by individual accounts according to performances of outsourced activities and presents detailed data concerning workflow cost. The system assigns overhead costs directly to the actual activity cost pool and uses multiple bases.Management's plan involves implementing an effective activity-based costing system capable of thoroughly analyzing the company's many activities. Super Bakery adapted the BBC system over the old traditional system because they realized the advantages in accurately identifying costs(internally and outsourced) associated with the business activities. The managers of Super Bakery found it necessary to install an BBC system that has now proven to be valuable in tracking profitability of individual accounts and outsourced performance. There are two different cost systems that Super Bakery could choose to use.A Job order cost system is one that takes a specific Job into account and tracks all the costs for that one Job and then totals the costs together. The other system is a process order cost system which is used when a company produces a similar product and tracks the costs by department as a whole. The cost system that would be more suitable for Super Bakery would be a process order cost system. Since Super Bakery is a producer of similar baked goods, specifically doughnuts, and they outsource their entire production line, a cost system would make the most sense for taking into count the many different cost centers.A process cost system also allow for multiple work in process accounts but Super Bakery has contracts and orders placed by vendors across the United States. With using a process cost system, Super Bakery would be able to keep track of multiple orders and contracts at the same time. Another aspect of a pr ocess cost system that Super Bakery can take advantage of is that costs are assigned by department. Super Bakery would be able to track the costs for each vendor and count it as a department.A process order cost system would be the best option for Super Bakery because it allows for flexibility and the Super Bakery did a great Job figuring out the best cost system for their company. The cost system is activity based cost system that lets the company take full advantage of productivity, and this leaves room to provide each client with extraordinary care personally. The virtual corporation is able to monitor expenses with a minimal in-house staff while controlling outside vendor costs without sacrificing product and customer service excellence.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Am Sam Reaction Paper

ENGLISH 2 Chu, Jensy P. February 28, 2013 TTHS 1-2pm Prof. Bernardo I AM SAM -Reaction Paper I. SUMMARY The movie revolves around a mentally challenged man named Sam Dawson. He has a 7 year old daughter, Lucy who in under unfortunate circumstances was taken away from him. Now he asks help from a well-known lawyer, Rita and fights for custody over Lucy. With the help of his friends and loved ones, they do their best to get Lucy back. On the way, rough challenges comes their way but strengthens their bond and love for each other. II. PERSONAL REACTIONThe movie is a very touching, spectacular and award winning motion picture I’ve seen in my whole life. For it touched my heart and made me realize facts about life. This movie has such sad and funny parts and the acting is absolutely fabulous. All in all, This movie tells an amazing story and is never boring. I really loved the movie. The actors portrayed their roles perfectly. Sean Penn did a wonderful job in portraying a mentally challenged man. Like when he was about to give up when he saw Lucy with her new family, there was a moment that the camera focused on his eyes. You can really see the warmth he injects into his acting.Now Lucy played by Dakota Fanning for me exhibits a depth of soul which made her acting a stellar work. At such a young age, to be able to act like that is very impressive. And Rita played by Michelle Pfeiffer, her acting is skillfully acted out. She can show different emotions perfectly. From the cool composed lawyer to a troubled wife and mother. And the supporting actors did a brilliant performance too. I also love the soundtrack associated with the movie. The music is such delight. Every song is a rousing piece made up of either cheerful fluffiness or emotional embodiment in which it suites the scene quite nicely.Examples are the song Blackbird and I’m looking through you, this two songs I really like. I really loved the movie but I was a bit dismayed with the ending. The en d, in particular was unrealistic yet satisfying in a certain way. It didn’t really say what happened. It just showed what happened not how it happened. Other than that I’d give the movie a two- thumbs up. Indeed the movie is a piece of artwork. To those who want to be moved and get teary eyed, to those who wants to laugh at life. I recommend everyone see it. If you don't, you're missing out.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Allegories in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Allegories in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has many allegories within. An allegory is a symbol with a deeper meaning. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, there are many allegories. First, there is the religious allegory of the devil and the lower self as well as the â€Å"hiding† aspect of Hyde. Hyde is also an allegory of human character in general. The city of London, and all of its descriptions written by Robert Lewis Stevenson, is filled with allegories. First, Hyde is a complex allegory because it is arguable what exactly Hyde is supposed to represent. Hyde could be an allegory of the devil himself. Hyde could be a demon inside of Jekyll, sort of like in the Exorcist, that needs to come out but eventually become uncontrollable. Although Dr. Jekyll is described as a nice man who has many friends, but he losses them all when he drinks the potion to become Hyde. Hyde could just be an allegory for a literal part of Dr. Jekyll, which is Stevenson’s statement of saying that every person holds a â€Å"lower self,† that just wait for an opportunity to reveal evil. Also one of the most famous quotes from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is â€Å"If he shall be Mr. Hide than I shall be Mr. Seek. † This could also mean that Hyde is just a part of Jekyll’s soul that literally hides within. Lastly, Hyde could be an allegory of human character itself. Hyde could be an allegory of the capability that everyone has within. However some people never reveal this capability, but for others, like drug users, it is easier for the evilness to come out. London is also an allegory. Mr. Hyde lives in SoHo, which is described as dark, dingy, and filled with the filth of London, which is why it makes sense that Hyde lives there of all places. SoHo is supposed to represent the capability of evil, and where it is grown. In Victorian England, the poorest of the poor lived in awful slums, some had no choice but to live a life of crime and evil, just to escape their reality. On the other hand, Dr. Jekyll lives in a distinguished and posh neighborhood. This is an allegory for Jekyll’s character, as he is a nice man. However, in Victorian England, many bad things went on behind these closed doors, which is true for Dr. Jekyll. The door in the first chapter is an allegory, as well as all the passageways described, like the one to the laboratory. These passageways and doors are places in-between worlds where most of the events in the novel takes place. The in-between of the worlds is like Dr. Jekyll. He is not a good man, nor is he evil. Jekyll is complex, and struggles with the evil part of his personality. Allegories are abundant in the novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Night at the Opera

A Night at the Opera Analysis Paper A Night at the Opera is a 1935 American comedy film starring the Marx brothers. Groucho Marx, Chico Marx and Harpo Marx. The Marx brothers influence on comedy can still be seen in todays films. There is very few comedians that have ever had as long a lasting influence or been as well-known as they are. It is absolutely astonishing that after over seventy years, it still portrays the same amount of enjoyment and laughter in modern viewers as it did when the film was first distributed. The language of their comedy has not dulled over time, aspects of Marx brother humor can be found throughout sit-coms, movies, comedic acts and especially cartoons. I have been a huge fan of the show called I Love Lucy since I was about 7 years old, but I never knew that the Marx brothers had such an influence on the show and that they based a lot of there comedy scenes from the Marx brothers, and Harpo had actually starred in one of their episodes as well. In the film A Night at the Opera they have a singer names Ricardo Baroni, and in the set of I Love Lucy her husbans name is Ricky Ricardo. I feel as if since A Night at the Opera played such a big influence on their show that maybe they were trying to place that name in there as some type of contribute to them and their film. I also have seen many scenes in the cartoon Tom and Jerry that tie in together from the Marx brothers. This is just proof that from Grouchos wisecracking word play, Chico conning every person he can when he has the chance, to the way Harpos doesnt speak and frankly comes off really dumb founded. There sense of humor is timeless and forever will be a true classic.

Case study for the Nutrition Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

For the Nutrition - Case Study Example Subcutaneous fats insulate the body against the adverse effects of cold temperatures while carbohydrates are normally broken down in the cell to readily provide energy for bodily functions. Question 4: Olive oil has various therapeutic qualities which include reduction or prevention of diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, reduce the probability of stroke and certain cancers. Research also proves that it counters aging and promotes positive immune and inflammatory responses to certain conditions such as stroke hence reducing risk of occurrence. Question 7: Since it is winter I would suggest a steamy bowl of macaroni and cheese; brightly coloured fruits, vegetables and healthy fats such as the ones found in nuts and fish which can actually strengthen the body to fight the seasonal depression. He may also microwave frozen raspberries and eat with topping for yogurt; he may also prepare vegetables and a change to whole-grain pasta as healthy alternative. Question 8: You avoid saturated fats found primarily in red meat and dairy products. Eliminate trans-fat which is generally found in fried foods and commercial product such as snack cakes, crackers and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analytical Character comparison using epic similies Essay

Analytical Character comparison using epic similies - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The brilliance regarding the use of epic simile has emerged in the hands of Homer as an effective instrument though which he captured a complete impression of a situation, churned out the contrast among characters and finally led the audience to the layers of emotions dimensions of the character. The Use of Epic Simile to understand Ulysses’ character: The instances of Homer’s poetic magnificence regarding the use of simile to analyze the character, physical stature and emotional status of Ulysses are abundant throughout the Odyssey. However, in the book XI â€Å"The Descent into Hell† his craftsmanship has reached to its culmination. The character of Ulysses, in the Odyssey, has been presented by Homer in a unique way because the character, compared to the other epic heroes, does not appear to be invincible. While the humane side of his character has been presented through the shades of fear, deprivation, and agony, on the other hand, the stren gth of him has been projected through his courage, ruthlessness and anger. During his journey though the Hell, Ulysses has experienced several traumatic visions that evoked a sense of tremendous. However, the spontaneity of human morality and aspiration to overcome all the obstacles makes him a human being. Irrespective of the fact that he witnessed a fierce scene of human suffering in the Hell, however, the same could not stop him from rejuvenating his insatiable source of courage: â€Å"Now I the strength of Hercules behold, / A towering spectre of gigantic mould, / A shadowy form! for high in heaven’s abodes / Himself resides, a god among the gods;† (11. 741-11. 744). He feels himself in the same state like that of the great Greek God who is surrounded by â€Å"fowl†, â€Å"hovering ghosts† (11, 747). However, the prevailing evil though shrouded the divine glory but that could not stop him from fighting. The same courage that lurked in Hercules’ s heart, in the gloomy surrounding of the Hell Ulysses can feel the same: â€Å"Around his breast a wondrous zone is roll’d, / Where woodland monsters grin in fretted gold: / There sullen lions sternly seem to roar† (11. 751-11. 753). With the use of images from an array of references the poet has provided such an impression about Ulysses’ character that is empathetic in nature, gets troubled by the human angst and is ready to empathize with such situations. However, the moral strength of the character can be realized through his readiness to encounter all odds and through his confidence that with the traits of divine courage that every man possesses, he will be able to emerge as a triumphant against all evils; consequently he will be able to retain his dignity as a human being. Use of Epic Simile to understand Penelope’s character: Penelope, the wife of Ulysses, exists quite at a diametrically opposite pole compared to the features of her husband’ s nature as projected in the epic. Though the sings of respecting her self-dignity and empathy for other cannot be missed, however, Penelope seems to appear as a manifestation of traditional womanhood. Irrespective of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The fierce competetion between the conventional and islamic banks at Case Study

The fierce competetion between the conventional and islamic banks at the Kuwait finance bank in Bahrain - Case Study Example This has resulted in the process of tremendous competition in the marketplace. In an effort to sustain in the well connected and highly competitive global marketplace, companies around the world are significantly asking for large loan amounts in order to fuel their organizational growth needs. On the other hand, the consumers in an attempt to maintain a suitable lifestyle are focusing on the process of acquiring financial support for the purpose of acquiring homes, vehicles and other necessary products and services. This is triggering the need for financial support services from banking institutions around the world. However, the banks in an attempt to maintain profits are providing loans on competitive and attractive interest rates. However, talking on this note, it can be said that the effect of macroeconomic factors like slowdown of productivity in the developed countries, credit crunch and Euro Zone crisis are playing significant roles in the process of determining the rate of in terest on the financial loans in banking systems around the world. ... With the growth of business operation in the Middle Kingdom, a particular style of banking was introduced in an attempt to fund the large scale business operations of that time. During those early days of banking, the financial institutions used to charge riba. The riba in various Arabic and Middle East religions dialects is represented and meant as a bite to the pain inflicted upon the debtor (Ahmed 2011) . Riba in simple terms represents the interest rates on a loan (Bakar, â€Å"Riba and Islamic Banking And Finance†). However, with regards to the Islamic Law which is referred as Shari’aa, Muslims were not allowed to deal in riba and it was declared as a highly prohibited action, which will attract sin. As a result of this, when the Europeans of those times focused on developing the trade channels with the Ottoman Empire by doing business through the interest based loan and banking system, the local business community rejected the offers. This led to the formation of a culture among the Muslim community to avoid loans altogether. In the recent times, a lot of development has happened with regards to the initiative taken King Faisal of Saudi Arabia in 1974 to develop a banking system, which follows the Islamic law (Rahman 2010). The years after that followed a generation of a significant amount of interest for the purpose of building and developing a more sophisticated and modernized version of the pre-existing methods related to Islamic banking. It can be said also highlighted in these regards that the process of re-emergence of the Islamic banking system was to some extent fuelled by the desire of the Muslim communities to stay clear of any kind of financial

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking - Essay Example Only a few databases can offer these services (ERIC, 2012). ERIC, however, has its own disadvantages. At times, research through ERIC can be time consuming. This is due to the large library of information that ERIC has to offer (ERIC, 2012). Hence, locating information can be tiresome. Another disadvantage of using ERIC is that there is a cost incurred in accessing the database. Even though, one pays for using ERIC, it still has a broad variety of data that cannot be accessed anywhere else. Locating and reading original articles rather than just using the abstract source is vital due to a number of reasons. The reasons are that: the original article has the original and full information. The original article is of higher standards than the abstract, and is up-to-date and complete. The original article represents the original information of what the article is about (ERIC, 2012). Unlike the information found on abstracts, which might just describe the original study, the original arti cle has full information of the topic matter without biasness. Also, in most cases, people find that original articles are of higher standards than the abstract. This is because the original article is examined for quality before it is published, unlike abstracts. Finally, original articles are always up-to-date. They comprise of the most recent information, unlike abstracts (ERIC, 2012). It is advantageous to start with secondary sources of information since these secondary sources are produced by individuals who have examined the primary source and enhanced its information. Secondary sources give assurance that the primary source is viable (ERIC, 2012). They also summarize the primary source so that on could know what is contained in the primary source. Some of the valuable traits of secondary sources are: secondary sources are gathered from diverse databases. They also provide a summary of primary sources (ERIC, 2012). Gathering information for secondary sources takes less time t han a primary source, and secondary sources provide a greater database of information. Secondary sources have quite a number of limitations as compared to primary sources. Some of these limitations are that the quality of the information is low, and information may be incomplete. Library holdings that are considered as primary sources are articles that offer first-hand testimonies, as well as direct evidence regarding a topic that is being investigated. These holdings are created by recorders or witnesses who experienced the event itself (ERIC, 2012). Library holdings that are primary sources refer to the sources that were created at the period of the event. They can, however, comprise of memoirs, autobiographies, or oral histories that were recorded later. Library holdings that are primary sources are distinguished by content, irrespective of whether they are available in original format, in digital format, in microfilm or published format. They can also be found in many libraries across the United States (ERIC, 2012). Articles differ in format, but in general have a reasonably similar scheme. They begin with a segment that looks at the background of the research, and a clarification of why the authors chose to do the research. It is followed by enlightenment of how the researchers did the experiment, and their results, plus conclusions. However, in order to assess a report and determine whether it is viable for the research, there are three ways of assessing an article to

Monday, September 9, 2019

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in Essay

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in France (Protestant Church- Pastor Andre Trocme) succesful in - Essay Example Post World War II the Nazi leaders focused their attention on the permanent removal of the Jewish population from Germany as well as from the entire Europe. Initially the German authorities launched ‘ghettos’ where all the Polish, German, Austrian and Czech Jews were deported to these ‘ghettos’. ‘Ghettos’ were districts where the Jewish population was segregated from other communities and were forced to live in miserable conditions. Building ghettos was a temporary measure taken by the German authorities. But very soon long term methods of abolishing the Jewish pollution were adopted by Hitler. Initially German armed forces conducted a shooting operation on the Jews. Very soon gas vans comprising of poisonous carbon monoxide was introduced by the German police. In the year 1939 Hitler implemented ‘Final Solution’ to assassinate millions of Jews in Europe by the help of poison gas, shooting and other means, â€Å" the vision of the Final Solution- a program aimed at murdering every last Jew in the German grasp- had crystallized in the minds of the Nazi leadership and was henceforth being turned into reality.† (Browning, 424) During the Holocaust in Europe under Hitler’s regime, France offered some hope by resisting this barbaric act of Final Solution. France was ruled by the powerful Vichy government. The government adopted measures to protect the Jews from the Germans. Telephone workers who worked under the instruction of the Vichy authorities intercepted messages and the railway workers developed a resistant group against the German’s to protect the Jews from been killed. The people of the Le Chambon Village in France under the leadership of Pastor Andre Trocme along with the help of other powerful leaders and government and by following the ideology of the Protestant Movement were able to rescue the lives of many Jews. In the year 1939, France had the maximum number of Jewish population than any other state in the entire European continent. In the year 1940, the Jews were deported to the unoccupied zone of France that was ruled by the Vichy government under the supervision of the Nazi army. The Jews travelled to the Vichy France in a hope to get protection from the Germans. But the Jews had to face fierce discriminations in the Vichy France as were prevalent in Germany. After France faced defeat in the hands of German, the German authorities shifted their focus and attention on the matters related to the possibilities of defeat of Britain and Russia in War. The Jews, who were residing in the Vichy France, were temporarily relieved from the wrath of the Nazis. The prevention methods adopted by the Vichy France had no intention of murdering the Jews. In the Vichy France, discriminations of the Jews were highly prevalent especially in the employment sectors. People of pure French origin were only eligible for the public sector jobs. The Jews were forced to hand over t heir residence to the Vichy government. The Jews who were residing in France for longer period of time were expected to be assimilated in the French nation. In the Wannsee Conference that was held in Berlin to solve the Jewish question new strategies and decisions were taken about the Jews in a form of final solution. During the Holocaust in France, a small village called Le Chambon-sur-lignon in France protected the lives of nearly five thousand Jews by providing shelter to them. France

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Comparison of world views in the universe next door Essay

Comparison of world views in the universe next door - Essay Example The book then progresses to shoe how ensuing world views, including naturalism, deism, nihilism and existentialism, have developed from Christian Theism and where they have deviated. Sire also sheds light upon their weaknesses and where they have failed. The book further discusses how Eastern Pantheism and post modernism have affected western culture and its world views. The book is written as sort of a manual that will help Christians understand why they hold the views they do. Sire believes that knowing one’s own views is of great significance. Thus, right in the beginning, the author clearly highlights the prerequisite for being â€Å"fully conscious intellectually†, which is to be fully aware of one’s own worldview and to know exactly why one holds that view despite so many other views that surround one. From Sire’s definition we see that the ‘world view’ has a set of essential points that distinguish it. Firstly, in a world view an idea o r concept or thought is presupposed, assumed or implicitly understood. This implies that people holding a world view have laid faith or belief upon something that has led them to presuppose this idea or concept or thought. Secondly, these views are about something that people believe to be reality, that is, our world. In a sense, a world view is a belief about the reality of the world in which a person lives. Thirdly, these assumptions are held either consciously or sub-consciously but are influenced by something external to the person.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Year-Round Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Year-Round Education - Research Paper Example It is important to know the difference between this modified calendar and traditional system to compare the benefits and drawbacks of this development. Unlike the traditional system where a multiple month vacation (mostly in summer) is given to students, year round schools offer a cumulative holidays of about 2 months distributed over the year. These year round schools can further offer single track, multi track or extended year format. When this new system was introduced in the mid 80s, a lot of controversies erupted that highlighted concerns over certain issues. In order to analyze and compare these two systems it is mandatory to dissect those issues. Traditional system had served its purpose well for a very long time. Now if it was to change it could have some positive or negative effect on the individuals associated with it, most importantly, the students and the teachers (Haser & Ilham 2005). So while comparing these two systems focus should be on observing any change in their a ttitude. For example, a student from a year round school system can be disturbed looking at the kids of his age enjoying their long summer vacations. Other factors that are important to consider are effect on academic performance, cost and changing a norm of a society. Year round Education and Academic Achievement: Various researches have been conducted around the world to compare the two education calendars. Lindsay-Brown, 2010, investigated and compared the impact of year round school calendar and traditional school calendar on the academic achievements in North Central South Carolina. In this study, 256 elementary students from four different schools, each pair following different calendars, were tested using the Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test (PACT). English language arts and mathematics were the subjects tested in the study. After all the fine adjustments were done to the obtained data, the result showed that there was no significant difference in the academic achievements when students from year round schools versus traditional schools were compared. Another review paper of 39 studies (Cooper et al 2003) also indicated a weak and insignificant effect of modified school calendar on academic achievement. Most of the think tanks that are in the favor of this modified calendar place their arguments on the basis of superior academic achievements. These results, however, is in direct contradiction to their theory. Some groups such as â€Å"Summer Matters† believe that traditional school system is best for the students and society. The argument is based on philosophy of family ties and relationships. They believe that long summer breaks allow families to come together and cherish the moments with their children. This social support catalyzes children efforts and stimulates them to perform better in the field of education. Moreover, they insist that summer vacations provide an excellent opportunity for kids to learn and discover new things. Why Year round Education Calendar? So if year round education does not help students to excel in their academics, then why this system has gained popularity over the years? Parents, faculty and administrator weigh certain other factors as well such as growing school enrollments, working parents and shrinking budget (Sheilds & Stevens, 2000). These problems are partially solved by introducing this education calendar. For example, multi-track year round schooling divides students into groups and rotates them in an organized manner. This multi tracking can increase the capacity of school by 30%. Therefore, the total number of students accommodated in 4 traditional schoo

Friday, September 6, 2019

Assess the impact by 1939 of Nazi Essay Example for Free

Assess the impact by 1939 of Nazi Essay The National Socialist Party came to power through a series of swift, ruthless and devastating actions which firmly established Germany as a fascist state. The centralisation of power in Germany, known as co-ordination (Gleichschaltung), was initiated on the day of the election and was carried out with such clinical efficiency, that the German state was completely transformed within a matter of months. Hitlers Gleichschaltung was extremely successful in altering the cultural and economic landscape of Germany in the years between 1933 and the commencement of the Second World War in 1939. National Socialism touched every aspect of life; youth culture, the role of women, education, the economy and the effect it had on employment, the working class, as well as religion in the domination of the Christian Church. As this essay will explain, each of these individual developments in German society, which were initiated by the Nazi regime, came together to precipitate a complete cultural transformation for the lives of German people by 1939. Nazi Seduction of the German People The attraction of the Third Reich was compelling for the German people and strong feelings of national pride were instilled in the mass population. Germans were moved by wave after wave of brilliantly staged nationalistic promptings in the form of spectacular public rallies and stirring speeches. The totalitarian state model, which was so important to the Nazi Partys grip on its people, was achieved through a mix of persuasion, motivation and discrimination. Individualism was quickly replaced by a way of life steeped in collective gestures and symbols; mass rallies, uniforms, public commemorations and in particular, the gesture synonymous with the Nazi era the Heil Hitler salute. Although these public messages became tiresome to many Germans, they were a constant theme throughout the Nazi era, and were therefore inescapable. They were successful in convincing the German masses of the power of the Third Reich as an all conquering, superior phenomenon. Youth The mobilisation of German youth was a vital cog in the National Socialist propaganda machine. The drive towards creating a fiercely dependent and loyal German youth was formed on the basis of a rejection of the old bourgeois world in favour idealistic notions of a new and more egalitarian society.The lengths to which the Nazis went, in order to harness the loyalty of the German youth were great and centred on the creation of a rival organisation to the formal education system called the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend). When Hitler came to power in 1933, the Hitler Youth organisation had only 107,956 members. By the end of 1933 however, under the leadership of Baldur von Schirach, most youth movements were under the influence of the Nazis and the few remaining nonconformists such as Catholic organisations were feeling the Nazi influence. Two laws, which came into effect in December 1936 and March 1939 made participation in the Hitler Youth (HJ) mandatory, driving up membership of the organisation to 8,870,000 at the beginning of 1939. The Hitler Youth indoctrinated young Germans with Nazi concepts of race, discipline and obedience. Summer camps were set up, in which political ideological teachings, physical fitness, rifle practice, endurance and team-building games were core activities. The aim was to breed a new type of German, one which was loyal to National Socialism and would thus ensure the future existence and expansion of Germany as a Nazi state. The Family The family was an institution of supreme importance to the Nazis, being regarded as crucial to the future success of The Third Reich. Much was done to raise the popularity of marriage and increase birth-rate, as mothers who stayed at home to bring up large families were put on a pedestal and treated with utmost respect. On 12 August the birthday of Hitlers mother every mother who had given birth to a large number of children was awarded a Mothers Cross. Rewards for raising large families were also financial, as special welfare benefits were awarded to encourage marriage and motherhood.  Newly married couples were offered a 1,000 mark loan, repayable at three per cent interest, which was reduced by 25 per cent after the birth of each child. This loan effectively turned into a free gift from the state following the birth of four healthy children. Women The role of women in Nazi Germany was clearly defined, encouraging them to embrace their natural role as mothers. As already mentioned, women were the focus of the Nazi drive to boost birth rate, and were ushered away from the idea of a full-time career in favour of starting or extending a family. Furthermore, within education, girls would be directed away from developing their academic ability and independence, in favour of training for future maternal roles through compulsory courses in domestic science and biology. Upon reaching adulthood, the indoctrination of Nazi ideals continued through membership of three womens organisations, all created by the Nazi party the German Womans Enterprise, the National Socialist Womanhood and the Reich Mothers Service. By March 1939, over 1.7 million German women had attended one of these Nazi organised courses. The Working Class In its crusade to win over the working class, the Nazis offered a vast array of publicly funded leisure activities. The Nazi Kraft durch Freude (KdF) (Strength through Joy) organisation was officially founded to promote the physical prowess of the individual, although in reality its essential purpose was to educate and socialise the German population into National Socialism. The Nazi leisure policy was initiated with the hidden intention of rallying the German people towards active voluntary participation in National Socialist Germany. An active, thriving leisure movement it was believed would contribute to the thrust of National Socialism as a whole, enhancing the vitality and all round commitment to the German cause. The Economy The economic success of the Nazi regime is remembered most for its remarkable success in reducing unemployment. The cornerstone of this recovery was the implementation of the many work programmes, which created jobs for the phenomenal number of unemployed Germans at the beginning of Hitlers reign. German economists had recognised that the abandonment of narrow fiscalism in favour of counter-cyclical strategies based upon investment in the infrastructure and public housing was essential in order to reduce levels of unemployment. Job creation schemes, such as the construction of the Autobahn the major motorway network and house building schemes resulted in a fall in unemployment from 34% in January 1933 to 13.5% in July 1934. Religion Upon coming to power, Hitler embarked on a crusade to eradicate Christianity, as he believed it to be a product of Jewish culture a religion he perceived as a corrosive influence on the German population. The process of gradually reducing the influence and presence of the church in Nazi Germany was achieved in a number of ways. The establishment of the Reich Church, the German Christians organisation and the German Faith movement introduced a new Christian religion based on the core ideals and beliefs of National Socialism. This was yet another example of the iron grip with which the Nazis sought to control the German population. Conclusion Nazi economic and social policy had a phenomenal effect on the German mass population by 1939. The levels of propaganda used to capture the loyalty of the German people were deeply influential, effectively brainwashing the population. The focus on the future strength and solidarity of The Third Reich as a totalitarian state saw key aspects of the German lifestyle subjected to significant changes between 1933 and 1939. The effect that Nazi social and economic policies had were seen most significantly in their effect on women, youth, education, the economy with regards to employment, the motivation of the working class, and religion. Nazi propaganda went further than this in its influence on the German way of life, as the press,  industry, art and culture, and all forms of entertainment were transformed into mere puppets of the Nazi regime. The gradual erosion of individualism and devotion to The Third Reich amongst German people could not have been achieved without the changes imple mented in these fundamental aspects of daily life.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Psychology Of Personality Psychology Essay

The Psychology Of Personality Psychology Essay Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential black American women. She was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi of USA. When she was young, she lived in a very poor surrounding with her grandparents despite her parents were separated. At the age of six, she moved to stay with her mother. Consequently, she was being sexually abuse and molested by male relatives and she endured the hardship. Right until she was fourteen, she moved again to stay with her father in Nashville Tennessee. Living with her father was not the hope she was looking for because that her father was loving and yet a real strict towards Oprah. She created conflict with her fathers high standards by dealing with drugs, rebellious behaviour and even lost a premature baby. She eventually settled down after being awarded with a University Scholarship. Although, her early years in life were filled with hardship, she still graduated as an honours student. Oprah graduated as a BA in Speech and Performing Arts from Tennessee State University. She was highly inspired by her fathers high standard to aim and achieve more from life. She began her career in the media industry and worked as a news anchor and reporter for television station in Nashville on the WTVF-TV station at the age of nineteen. She started to enjoy her work where she was able to be herself and express her own opinions and share her true feelings when she shifted to morning talk show AM Chicago at WLS-TV in Chicago. The show had become the number one ranked right after she started and it was renamed as The Oprah Winfrey Show after a year. Her show went on to become one of the highest ranked television talk show programs in history with twenty million American viewers every week. She had become famous by hosting her own show, which she really enjoyed that as her career (Fry). Section B A theory of human behaviour emphasizing the drive to overcome feelings of inferiority by compensation and the need to achieve personal goals that have value for society. Individual Psychology by Alfred Adler (Mifflin, 2007). Adlers theory talked about birth order and parenting style impact on personality in his assumptions of human nature. Oprah Winfrey was the only child in her family. According to Adlers theory, only child will tend not to lose primacy and power, besides, he or she will mature at early stage of life and may have certain issues in places where they are not the centre of attention. I believe that Oprah never loses her power based on Adlers theory in birth order, thats why she is able to build up herself again after all the hardships she has been through. But what about her parents parenting style? Basically, her parents were separated from each other and she had been put to a very poor environment with her grandparents when she was six. Thus, she was being neglected instead of pampering, in result, she received too little of attention from parents, and being sexually abuse and molested right until she was fourteen. She was able to endure all the hardships because she believed in her power, which I think the power comes from the nature of birth order that she had it. Upon staying with her father, she started to receive parental love for her father, although it was just single parents love, but I guess she would have been very grateful and appreciate the love. But her father was very strict as well, he had a very high standard for Oprah to aim and achieve more from life. Due to high standard, her behaviour had caused conflict with her fathers strict rules. But she eventually settled down everything after being awarded with a University Scholarship. She changed her wild behaviour because she knew she had a goal to accomplish from this university. As Adler said in his theory, behaviour may change throughout a persons life span in accordance with goals. According to Individual Psychology theory, life is a dynamic towards completion, perfection, superiority and mastery, which Adler is referring to human motivation as striving for superiority. Oprah acquired this human motivation from her own power and will, her fathers love and standard, and the scholarship. Striving for superiority is when one overcompensates for the feeling of inferiority and motivates the individual to seek for perfection and drive him or her to the goal for a total future (Mitchell). I believe that Oprahs striving for superiority is what makes her to be a very successful and talented television talk show host. But according to Adler, he said sometimes inferiority complex might happens as well, inferiority complex is defined as people couldnt overcome it and running away from the challenges, I bet this complex happened to Oprah when she was staying with the mother, which she was sexually abuse and molested. Due to unable to against, she developed inferiority compl ex and endured through all this suffer. Adler also described four different styles of life, which can be created by ourselves because we, human beings are non-deterministic and the life style is developed from the creative power of self (Luttrell, 2009). The four styles of life according to Adler are ruling, getting, avoiding and socially useful. Each of the styles is conceptualized in terms of degree of social interest and activity. I think that different people at different stages and environments in life might eventually shape their personalities based on Adlers styles of life. For instance, Oprah was given a very poor environment at the age of six, thus, she would be the getting type at that moment. She wanted to expect to be given everything she needed as a child, such as parents love, hugs, kisses or even being pampered. Unfortunate, she couldnt get it. In spite of that, she compensated her inferiority and developed superiority complex, thus, she has been shaped from getting type to socially useful type. Adler explained that socially useful type exhibits activity in the service of other and they always confront the life problems and endeavour to resolve them in a manner consistent with the needs of other individuals. Up until now, Oprah still belongs to this style of life; she has touched millions of lives in American and other countries. There are few of her achievements and deeds that really opened my eyes. She was the first black person that was being listed in Business Week as one of Americas top 50 most generous philanthropists (Manohar, 2010). She also invested $40 million in the making of Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls near Johannesburg in South Africa, which the project was started in January 2007. Even Nelson Mandela congratulated and applauded for her effort of overcoming her own disadvantaged youth to become a benefactor for the people. In my opinion, Alfred Adlers Individual Psychology theory has explained much for me to understand more about Oprah Winfreys background, development, accomplishments and so on. Besides, I would say Oprah Winfrey is a very resilient woman, believing in her own power and healthy striving for superiority to compensate all of her past. As Alder believed that healthy striving is for self-realization, in contributing to humanity, dealing with lifes problems, and in making the world a better place to live. Section C Alfred Adler talked about birth order and parenting style is impactful to the new born babys personality. According to Adler, the only child never loses primacy and power, mature in early stage of life and may have issue in places where they are not the centre of attention. I am the youngest in my family and I have two brothers and one sister, but I would consider myself as the only child. This is because; I had been staying just with my parents since I was 12 years old. My eldest brother pursued his career as a singer, my elder brother is a married man with wife and children and lastly my sister got married to faraway place from our hometown. I believe that Adlers explanation about birth order is reasonable, because Ive been holding up to these primacy and power in my life and I eventually getting mature than other people around my age. For example, I already started to question myself what and how should I end up in my later life, how can I contribute to my parents and Who Am I? Gu ess I found my answer when I was sixteen years old and these primacy and power eventually shaped who I am today. Next, I would classify my parents parenting style as pampering but somehow they are very strict, just like Oprah Winfreys father. So, they are not spoiling or over-protect me as a child. Adler proposed superiority complex and inferiority complex, which I think it happens to everyone at different stages of life. I had developed inferiority complex before when I was a pre-school student. I was discouraged by my teacher due to that I am a very playful child. In result, I tried to seek for acceptance by doing a lot of silly things, but my effort was never come to fruition. I dont have any friends at that time, not even one would be willing to come next to me, unless they want to borrow something. I was running away from any challenges at that time and I gradually withdrew from the community. Fortunately, I came to develop superiority complex when I was seven years old, which Adler mentioned it as striving for superiority. When we ought to have inferiority feelings, we tend to seek and compensate the awful feeling and we motivate ourselves to move away from inferiority and thus strive for superiority. I attended English primary school with multiracial students and teachers. This was the moment; I started to build up myself because I was highly encouraged by my new Indian and Malay friends and school teachers through well-organized co-curriculum in my school instead of being continuously discourage. As I continually to strive for superiority, my life style is developed from the creative power of the self, which Adler explained it as personality types. There are four types of personality, which are ruling, getting, avoiding and socially useful. I believe Adlers style of life will change from time to time and much dependable to the surrounding changes. During my childhood, I belonged to getting type personality because of my parents pampering parenting style. I always expect to be given everything that I need. After that, especially being put into a bad per-school, I guess I am slightly moving into avoiding type as I tried to avoid challenges, problems and withdrew from social interest and activity until I attended my primary school. As I grew older and moving into teen stage, I came to know myself better and I joined many church activities that helped me to find my identity and role. I eventually developed the socially useful personality type. Most of the church activities that I had participated were mostly charity and volunteer works, guess all these had shaped me to exhibit activity in the service of others. Thus, I am able to confront life tasks and attempt to resolve problems in a proper manner with the needs of other individuals. Although, I am a socially useful type right now, part of my getting type and avoiding type are still reside in me, ju st not that influential anymore. Here I am today, a leader for Famine 30 2010 camp in my own college with full of passion to help the poverty children all around the world.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Importance Of The Friendship Literature Essay

The Importance Of The Friendship Literature Essay What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies Aristotle, Lives of eminent Philosophers, (2010) Wikipedia dictionary online. Available from: Accessed 17 July 2010 Nowadays, People live in a new society where often nobody stops what they are doing in order to be worry about the others. People live in a selfish world where the peoples feelings have gone into the background, giving more importance to economic and social stability rather than emotional stability. Although, we believe that for these reasons the friendly relations have been missing; however, this is a serious mistake because people must communicate with others, and they must establish many types of human relationships, but one of the most important is friendship. Friendship is a value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis: the tendency to desire what is best for the other , sympathy and empathy, honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of ones counterpart, mutual understanding and compassion, trust in one another; and, able to go to each other for emotional support Friendship definition.(2010).Wikipedia dictionary online. Available from: hHYPERLINK Accessed 17 July 2010 In this opportunity, I want to focus on the importance of friendship which is reflected in two interesting books of the twenty century: The Great Gatsby and Motorcycle Diaries. However, both books were written at different times, places and facts, but in both the characters created strong bonds of friendship in the book plots. It is very interesting to know how is developed the friendship between the main characters: Gatsby and Nick, and Ernesto and Alberto friendship. This is an interesting plot because without a loyal friend, they would not able to give the sense to their lives and the sense of the plots of the books. First of all, the Great Gatsby was written in the 1920s by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald. During this period, people tried to forget the shock lived because of the World War I, so the people wasted their money in trivial things such as going to parties and drinking in a crazy way. In this book, there is an omniscient narrator, who was Nick Carraway. For that reason, The Great Gatsby is narrated from Nicks point of view. The novel started when Nick came from Minnesota and moved to New York to work in the bond business. After that, he rented a house in a popular and fascinating place called West Egg, where new rich people lived. They were a group of people who made their wealth too quickly to interact with the truly rich. In that place, Nick befriended his neighbor, the mysterious Jay Gatsby, who was famous for its populous parties. Gatsby was born on a farm in North Dakota; working for a millionaire, he made him dedicate his life to the achievement of wealth. The first time that the fr iends, Nick and Gatsby, met was in a party, but they did not interchange any word. After that, Gatsby sent an invitation to Nick to his home because he wanted to talk with him, so they met and talked. Besides in that occasion, they discovered that they participated in the World War I. Gatsby and Nick had a friendship that grew slowly over the course of the story, where Nick was discovering the mysteries of his friend Gatsby. As the novel progressed, Gatsby and Nick started a real friendship because inside the novel there were many trivial situations such as the populous Gatsbys parties. Also, the people lived a life with lies, and they want to show off their wealth. Nick never showed off other thing, he always said the truth and tried to help to his friend Gatsby while Gatsby hide the truth in the being of the novel. In the Gatsby youth, he knew Daisy, who was Nicks cousin, while he was training to be an army officer. They fall in love, and started a relationship, which they never f orgot. Following that, Nick met with Daisy Buchanan and her husband, who attached to the real group of wealthy and lived in the swanky neighborhood of East Egg. Nick facilitated the rekindling of the romance between her and Gatsby because he invited at his home in some occasions to Daisy, and Gatsby gave the first opportunity to meet with Daisy. In this part of the novel, Gatsby needed Nicks help, and Nick gave his support. In the novel, Nick also learns that Gatsby made his fortune through criminal activity, as he was willing to do anything to gain the social position he thought necessary to get Daisy, thus achieving upward social mobility and settle in a wealthy place. However, Nick knew the truth, he always went with Gatsby because Nick was tolerant, and honest, a person who kept secrets. After many events that took place, Daisy and Jay could not have a relationship because Daisy never loved him really, and also she was married with Tom Buchanan. When she had to decide between Ga tsby and Tom, she preferred to continue her life with Tom. Gatsby was very sad because she was his real love, so Nick was there for him when Gatsby needed. Finally Gatsby was killed by Myrtles husband, and Nick was very worried about his friend, so he decided to go at Gatsby home, and he knew that his friend was died. In the Gatsbys funeral, the only person who attended was his father, a man who lived in his house, and Nick, who was his real friend because Nick was with Gatsby ever in his death day as a good friend. Secondly, we have Motorcycle diaries which was written by Ernesto Che Guevara as a result of his daily trips through Latin America. In 1952, one semester before Ernesto Guevara finished his medical studies, he and his old friend Alberto Granado, a biochemist, left Buenos Aires to travel the continent looking for fun and adventure. However, they have different ages they are close friends. They decided to travel because they wanted to intend to work in a leper colony in Peru, but the main purpose was tourism. They have same dreams such as, for example, they wanted to see Latin America for that reason they traveled many months. Initially, transport was the old and scruffy Albertos Norton 500 motorcycle nicknamed La Poderosa II. First, we headed north where they crossed the Andes, and then traveled over that of Chile, through the Atacama Desert and the Peruvian Amazon. In that part of the trip, they suffer many dearths such as they did not have food, water and a warm bed, but they always enjoyed that venture trip because they knew many people. Also, all friends have disagreements, but they passed them because they respect them such as when they had some problems, so they were forced to travel at a slower pace because his transport La Poderosa II could not fixed. For that reason, they arrived in Caracas on July. Ernesto Guevara had health problems, so during this trip Guevara suffered asthmatic problems, and Granado never let him alone because a real friend helps other in problematic situations. When they were traveling to San Pablo leper colony, Ernesto suffered asthmatic attack where Ernesto almost passed away, but he escaped certain death, and because his loyal friend. Alberto was there and applied the medical treatment, so Ernesto survived. Also, the friends encountered the poverty of indigenous people, and knew about the disparity between rich and poor people in Latin America. Both friends could live inside the poverty and they protected themselves as friends m ust do it. In Peru, they worked as volunteers for three weeks in a leper colony in San Pablo. Guevara knew there, the division of society between the working masses and the governing masses. Finally, the friends said good bye, Alberto revealed that his birthday had been on August 8th. Ernesto said that he had always known it. Also, Ernesto never judged his friend. People think that who establish a positive connection in a relationship of friendship, or other positive bonding, they fell emotions that affect positively their immune systems. In both books there are clearly strong connections of friendship between the characters. On the one hand, The Great Gatsby has a relationship of friendship that grew slowly over the course of the story, where Nick was discovering the mysteries of his friend Gatsby. On the other hand, in the book Motorcycle Diaries, Ernesto and Alberto were already old friends but there were more precise in execution by living each of the experiences presented in their journey. Even though, today people live in a selfish society where nobody is worried about what happens with the others, or peoples feeling. There are people who think emotional stability is more important than social stability. People must communicate with others, and they must establish many types of human relationships, but one of the most important is friend ship. There are a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that: 1) Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; 2) Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; 3) Good friend enhance their friends coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or 4) Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health Friendship definition. (2010).Wikipedia online dictionary. Available from: Accessed 17 July 2010